Dr. Zhang's Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs Clinic
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Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs FAQs

Questions and Answers on Acupuncture
  1. What problems can be treated by acupuncture?
  2. How deep do the needles go?
  3. Does it hurt?
  4. Are the needles clean?
  5. How does acupuncture work?
  6. Are there different styles of acupuncture?
  7. What to expect when visiting the clinic?
  8. What criteria should one use in choosing an acupuncturist?
  9. How many treatments will I need?
  10. What should I know about the proposed treatments?
  11. How to use acupuncturist to treat the patient?
  12. What could I do to obtain the best therapeutic effect?

Questions and Answers on Chinese Herbs

  1. What problems can be treated by Chinese Herbal Medicine?
  2. What can I expect on my first herb treatment?
  3. Do all the herbs come from China?
  4. How are Chinese herbs taken?
  5. When should I take my granular herbs?
  6. Does Chinese Herbal Medicine have side effects?
  7. Can Chinese Herbs Replace Western Drugs?
  8. Can pregnant women take Chinese herbs?
  9. Can children take Chinese Herbal Medicine?
  10. Can Chinese Herbs help with Fertility?
  11. How long does it take to see results with Chinese Herbal Medicine?
  12. How are herbal formulas made into granules?
  13. How many treatments will I need?
  14. What is the role of Chinese herbs vs. Acupuncture?
  15. Why Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy for Cancer patients?

Questions and Answers on Cupping & Moxabustion

  1. What is cupping?
  2. How cupping is performed?
  3. How cupping works in TCM?
  4. What ailments can cupping alleviate?
  5. Does cupping hurt?
  6. What is moxabustion?
  7. How is moxibustion performed?
  8. What moxibustion can treat?
  9. Does moxabustion hurt?